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Can you relocate with your children after divorce?

Protect the Best Interests of Your Child in Relocation

After a divorce, when the parents of a child are no longer living together, issues and life circumstances may arise that cause one of the parents to move away, including new job opportunities or job transfers, relocating to be closer to other family members, and many other valid reasons. Both parents still want to remain close enough to their child to spend time with them and to be actively involved in their lives.

When these circumstances occur, it is important to obtain the legal counsel of a family law attorney, whether you are the parent who is moving or the parent that is staying behind. While the courts usually agree that it is in the best interests of the child to see and have relationships with both parents, there are many aspects to consider and handle correctly in these situations.

At the law firm of Iwanyshyn & Associates, we handle family law issues from our offices in Pittsburgh and Allison Park, Pennsylvania, including parental relocation and other child custody and visitation rights issues. Lawyer Deborah Luteran Iwanyshyn and the rest of our firm understand relocation procedures and the requirements set up by the law to allow one parent to relocate while still maintaining a right to see their child.

Requirements for Parental Relocation in Pennsylvania

The parental relocation procedure in the state of Pennsylvania requires that parents who wish to move their children to another state or another part of the state provide their reasoning for doing so and prove that it is in the best interests of the child or children involved. The move cannot be done out of retaliation, and the court will reject the appeal for parental relocation if it finds that the move is being done to spite an ex-spouse.

The court will weigh many factors when determining to give permission for relocation, including the relationship between the children and their parents, siblings and other children involved, the motivation of the move and the possible benefits and consequences that could result from the move. It will look at the age of the children and consider whether the long-term benefits will be positive for the child.

In addition, the court will also look at the parent asking for relocation permission, including the parent's financial standing, the standard of living in the household and the parent's ability to provide a comfortable and positive environment and atmosphere for the child.

» If you have questions about relocation or need legal help for the process of relocation, contact us at the law firm of Iwanyshyn & Associates. For more than 30 years, we have helped our clients find the best answers for themselves and their children.